Scoil Gheimhridh

The Scoil Gheimhridh Sydney is back.  After disruptions due to COVID and the loss of our long-term venue we have found a new home for the Scoil Gheimhridh at Stanmore House in the inner west of Sydney. This venue has a high standard of accommodation and all the facilities we need for a great Scoil.  Stanmore House is located a short walk from Stanmore railway station. 

The Scoil Gheimhridh Sydney 2024 is a long weekend of Irish language and craic. Come and improve your Irish language skills. The key activity of the weekend is Irish language classes. Other Irish activities provide a break in a convivial environment. These may include the official opening, table quiz, guest speaker, concert and classes in poetry, singing, tin whistle, yoga or dance. Informal sessions continue every night. Come and join the fun. The school is open to adults from across Australia:

  • complete newcomers to the Irish language
  • those who want to improve their Irish, for example those who learnt it at school
  • fluent people who want to meet to converse in Irish and to help others learn.

There are classes at four or five levels to suit the Irish language skills of the participants.

The Scoil Gheimhridh will run from the evening of Friday 7 June until Monday morning 10 June.  Live-in accommodation is available on a single-occupancy or twin share basis with some queen-bedded rooms
available as well.  Most rooms include en-suite facilities.  First in best dressed.  Attached find an application form.  Please note the closing date for applications is 24 May and accommodation applications after this date cannot be assured.

Book your place now

Immersive Experience

Onsite Accomodation

A downside for some participants will be that it is a Salvation Army facility and as a result there will be no alcohol allowed on site at all.  As a result, we will be programming activities off-site in the evenings at the local hostelry.