Get Involved

Do you want to get involved in Irish?

There are lots of ways you can contribute to the Irish community in Canberra. Don’t be shy if you have the skill. We’re all friendly people, eager to share and learn!

  • Share interesting or helpful learning tools you find online, here on the CILA website with other learners.
  • Come along to class and events, and help practise conversation with other learners.

Are you confident in Irish? Would you be willing to volunteer as a teacher?

We are always eager to hear from prospective teachers, and no you don’t need to have any formal qualifications! If you would be able to teach, or help teach, we would love to hear from you!


Do you have some new ideas?

Have you got an event in mind that you want to see made possible? Perhaps you have some ideas about changing things up in the classroom? Whatever it is, send us an e-mail and we’ll try our best to make it happen.

Have you got something to contribute?

Do you want to contribute something other than your time? Donations, particularly of Irish language books and other learning materials are always well received.